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Isabela Rabelo Ricucci


  • Diploma

    2023 ENSGSI Engineer - Graduate of the Franco-Brazilian Double Degree Program with UFScar
  • Current job

    Project Manager

Project Manager at Visagio (Consulting), São Paulo

The opportunity to do a double French-Brazilian degree was an unbeatable experience. I began my studies in production engineering in Brazil in 2017. In 2021, I joined ENSGSI via the Brafitec programme and graduated in September 2023. These two years have been marked by rich experiences, many challenges (cultural and personal) and very rapid personal and professional growth. I had the privilege of meeting some wonderful people. I received a warm welcome and considerable support from the two programme coordinators (in France and Brazil). In particular, this opportunity has greatly enriched my training as an engineer. In addition to the fundamentals of engineering, UFSCar offers an in-depth study of organisational structures, production planning and control, operational research and the design of production units. As for ENSGSI, part of the curriculum entirely focuses on innovation, team management and personal development, complementing the more specialised production engineering training provided by UFSCar. Today, I’m convinced that the French-Brazilian double degree offers a complementary and unique training that allows you to stand out in the job market.

Isabela Rabelo Ricucci